Grass world one new world

I recently updated SWAP BOX, I gave world 1 one new level.

Also, due to PuzzleScript lacking a level selecting, and, unfortunately, the game being already too large to me to move somewhere else. I gave Sara the ability to remove every goal object if you interact with her three times, so to skip the level. This is so you can at least go through he levels faster if you missed something, and would like to see it.


SWAP BOX (1).html Play in browser
17 days ago


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Also, sad news, I removed this thing of each world having 10 levels cause the room for the legend is getting way TOO long. But I hope you won't mind there having less levels. But once I make this game, it'll be good to see I finished it. I guess it took weeks to make it. Or maybe it'll even take a month.