View source code here, and hack it, as well as find unused objects:

And can be played here too:

SWAP BOX is a puzzle game where you controls magenta square (usually) that is on a land above the ground after sun have exploded, so it have to light up the great lightbulb, and save the world from a cold demise! The player character doesn't pushes boxes as normal, it swaps place with them. But your goal is still on the stars which give them energy to charge them. And after all is done, reach the spring to win, which you'll be send to the next level.

Your main goal is to save humanity from the cold of a sunless world, the lightbulb may replace the sun. We hope nothing bad happens to this thing you controls... Oh, the titular SWAP BOX.

This game have three worlds. Each have a unique theme, and the tiles and holes specifically. This makes them unique, based Puzzlescript games don't usually have something like worlds. For now, I won't mention the third and fourth worlds.

This game have multiple mechanics, each level introducing a new one, or even alongside others. Later on, all those will be used as you progresses, you may even find other SWAP BOX like yourself!

I regret making too many objects, and most didn't even had chance to have many uses. But maybe, my other game concepts will be simplier and more fun.

Controls are simple, remember, it's PuzzleScript. SWAP BOX uses a top-down movement, that means, you can move freely around.

LeftMoves the SWAP BOX to left.
RightMoves the SWAP BOX to right.
UpMoves the SWAP BOX to up.
DownMoves the SWAP BOX to down.
Restart/RRestarts the entire level progress.
Undo/ZUndoes a action made.
Wait/XSkips your turn.

Development log


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