Demolite is a puzzle-platformer game created by Blower Pot, with PuzzleScript. Control a drill... Or maybe, a drill used by a ghost that died in a mine? Would say most peoples probably. Anyways, the world gone into a financial crisis, due to this, the player must steal the coins from he hogrians, a species of very evil monster, they won't accept you into their caves, so they must be avoid.

Drill your way to the coins, while you face a large variety of objects, and the hogrians of course. This game have some cartoony elements and is totally silly. This game also includes many elements of real-time, which are useful for multiple things.

This is currently under development it wasn't finished yet. Many stuffs will be added soon, and levels. For now I'm still far from making all sprites and objects, but once It release fully I will make its source open for anyone to use, and create your own levels and mechanisms.

This game have been inspired by Lode Runner, another game about ladders and enemies. This game is however more about puzzle-solving than just skill stuffs.


Here are the controls:

LeftMoves your character to left.When facing left, you can destroy wood objects on the left if pressing action. Pressing this button at a wall triggers a confused reaction.
RightMoves your character to right.When facing right, you can destroy wood objects on the right if pressing action. Pressing this button at a wall triggers a confused reaction.
UpClimbs up ladder.Usually, you cannot move up unless you're on or in ladders. You cannot stop climbing up them until their end. Pressing this button while not using ladders triggers a heart reaction.
DownClimbs down ladder.Usually, you cannot move down unless you're on or in ladders. You cannot stop climbing down them until their end. Pressing this button while not usingadders triggers a sweat reaction.
Action/XDrills.Where it drills depends to where it is facing, moving left or right makes it to face to left or right, causing it to drill to where it was facing. Falling or using ladders makes the character to face to the middle, making it able to dril down. Using this button without any breakable object on the way triggers a annoyed reaction.

Below there will be a list of every object and what they do. Do not read this if you don't want to be spoiled about how they work. Only see this part if you are having troubles.

Wood BlockMade of woodCan be drilled by the Drill, Redrills, or Merad Jumpers.
Wood LadderMade of woodCan be drilled by the Drill or Redrills. They can be climbed up or down.
Wood CageMade of woodCan be drilled by the Drill, Redrills, or Merad Jumpers. They can be pushed.
Iron BlockMade of ironCannot be destroyed.
Iron LadderMade of ironCannot be destroyed. They can be climbed up or down.
Iron CageMade of ironCannot be estroyed. They can be pushed.
Sand BlockMade of sandThey will disappear once stepped on.
Sand LadderMade of sandThey will disappear once climbed.
Ruby BlockMade of rubyThey will kill Drill, Redrills, and Merad Jumpers if touched. Can be destroyed by Ruby Totews.
Ruby RopeMade of rubyCannot be landed on. They kill Drill if stepped on, but not if they fall through it.
Ice BlockMade of iceCauses the character to slip when stepped on.
Ice LadderMade of iceCauses the character to slip when stepped on.
Ice CageMade of iceCauses the character to slip when stepped on. It can be pushed, it does not stop sliding until it hits a wall or falls.
Ice RopeMade of iceCannot be landed on. Causes the character to slip when stepped on.
Ametyst BlockMade of ametystCan be toggled between solid and soft by pulling levers.
Gold coinMade of goldIs not solid, and can be collected by the Drill.
Walking coinMade of goldIs not solid, and can be collected by the Drill. It will try to run away whenever Drill approaches it.
Gold tileMade of goldIs not solid, it can be only collected by he Drill if another coin is in it.
RopeMade of miscellaneous materialCannot be landed on.

And then, comes the hogrians, the enemies of the game. Again, only see this part if you are having troubles and want to remember how they worked.

Ruby TotewThe ruby hogriansThey walk to back and forth, turning whenever they hit the walls. It kills the Drill when touched from any side. They are immune to ruby, and can destroy ruby blocks.
SparkalubThe wood hogriansThey are stationary and fixed to one place like the normal blocks. They can be drilled by Drill and Redrills from above. From its left, right, and down sides there are gel suction cups that makes anything to stick to hem, Drill, Redrills, and Merad Jumpers cannot drill while stuck. Sparkalub's cups will disappear once it is killed.
Telerp TistThe ametyst hogriansThey are stationary and fixed, they are not solid, so anything can pass through them. They will shoot you to wherever you hit them from in form of a sparkle, the sparkle will revert back into Drill once it reaches to the last Telerp Tist. Basically, they act as like portals. They can be toggled between soft and solid.

Development log


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Big rob1221 vibes. I like it.


(Just read the bio, I love Robert Alvarez games too)

(1 edit)

I know too, I like his games too. Demolite was inspired by Box Kid Puzzles/Adventures, Kye, Hoggy. Making tricky uses of enemies and objects. Well, thanks you for playing!


game never loads, it just says insert cartridge. 

Yes I know that, I will fix that soon. But you can, alternatively use the downloadable version.

If you will still look at the game. Once I fix the problem you can tell how it was, when it is playable again.


Yes, nice game.  Good puzzles.  Wished there was a lot more than 6 levels. 

(1 edit)

It will get more soon. I plan to add many more levels. But I won't add a too big amount of objects. I did it with SWAP BOX and it was a large regret. It is hard to do the enemies, it takes me a while to test them, see if they'll work even with the limitations of PuzzleScript, and if they will be easy to make (becasue making something like more of 8 different sprites for each thing would take hours to create, I fear that this will be the case for Merad Roller and Freezy Snake. I haven't found a easy way to make Emerad Roller to work, so I may rework it, and maybe with Freezy Snake...). Anyways, it is good that you liked it.

Deleted 210 days ago
Deleted 210 days ago

I'm a bit confused when I get to the 2nd room. What am I supposed to do?

Also, it would help if you had the controls listed out in the description.

In level 2, there is a sand ladder, it crumbles when you uses them. So they are one-use. You must first get to that sand block to destroy the wood ladder. Becasue if you climb it, have you will die cause you cannot stop climbing up or down until you reachesw its end, and the red ruby kills you. So destroying the wood ladder allows you to be able to gstop before you hits the ruby. You must climbs from the sand ladder becasue there is a spike in the way if you tried to walk over the ladders. After getting the coins from there. You must go the that ladder that is next to the left wall of the room, the last coin is there. This level requires you to go in these two ways in a certain order, if you climb the sand ladder that gives you access to the sand block but instead uses it to move to the other sand ladder next to the left wall, yo cannot destroy the wood ladder anymore. Was it useful?

Oh, and I will after you said.